Coal Preparation                                  reports

Coal Preparation

Maintenance, improved recovery and plant capacity are our key coal preparation strategies. Work is focused on maximising yield, reducing production costs, minimising emissions, reducing water consumption and the use of lower quality water without adversely impacting on process efficiency.

Gravity Separation (59 Reports)

Best Practice Guide to Dense Medium Cyclone Sampling and Analysis

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Author: Bruce Atkinson, Andrew Swanson, Bruce Firth, Michael O'Brien | QCC Resources, CSIRO Energy Technology

The Australian coal industry has been progressively adopting dense medium cyclone (DMC) processing technology for the last 40 years. By the late 1970’s the use of 710 mm diameter units was very common, while since the mid 1990’s large diameter (1000 mm diameter and larger) ....  read more


Commercial Laboratory Scale Float-Sink Testing Using Stabilised Suspension

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Author: Shenggen Hu and Andrew Taylor | CSIRO

The objective of this project was to carry out commercial lab scale float-sink testing using the stabilised suspension of submicron zirconium dioxide developed in ACARP project C15057.


A float-sink separator has been developed for carrying out float-sink testing using ....  read more


CPP Feed Washability Prediction from Small Top Size Samples

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Author: Bruce Atkinson | QCC Resources

Coal Grain Analysis (CGA) characterisation by size and RD provides an amazing insight as to the nature of each particular coal type.

Maceral analysis quantifies a coal in terms of its coal matter components and mineral matter. From that point of view it provides an absolute theoretical ....  read more


Delineation Of Large Diameter Dense Medium Cyclone Performance

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Author: Glenn Sherritt, Andrew Meyers, Alan Bennetts & James Graham | A & B Mylec

This project evaluated the performance of a large diameter (1450mm cyclone diameter) high capacity (362mm equivalent inlet diameter) dense medium cyclone, treating a full size range of -50+1.4wwmm at cut-points in the range 1.60-1.70RD and 10-15% NG (+/-0.1RD). Under the broad range of ....  read more


Dense Medium Cyclone Forum Meeting Report

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Author: Andrew Vince | Elsa Consulting Group

An ACARP Dense Medium Cyclone (DMC) Forum was held on 26th September, 2005 in which eminent Australian Coal Preparation professionals addressed issues identified by ACARP as important to the future direction of DMC R&D. Major findings were:

  1. Behaviour of
 ....  read more


Dense Medium Cyclone Handbook

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Author: Bruce Atkinson,Chris Clarkson, Harvey Crowden, Bruce Firth, Michael O’Brien, Dave Wiseman, Chris Wood | HMC Processing

This handbook is intended as neither an introductory text, nor as a manual for detailed design. Rather it seeks to provide guidance for experienced circuit operators who are already familiar with coal-washing dense medium cyclones and their ancillary devices, circuitry and control systems.

 ....  read more


Development of a Dense Medium Separation Process for Fine Coal Based on the Use of a Teetered Bed Separator

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Author: Kevin Galvin, SJ Pratten, Stuart Nicol | University of Newcastle, Novatech Consulting

The agreed ACARP objectives of this study were:-

  • To develop a cheaper alternative to dense-medium cyclone technology for the treatment of –0.5 mm coal
  • To evaluate alternative to magnetite as a potential dense-medium
  • To provide data on the fundamental
 ....  read more


Economic Effect of Low Amounts of Non-Magnetics in the Correct Medium

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Author: Michael O’Brien and Bruce Firth | CSIRO

This project has developed a methodology by which the economic loss incurred in a plant when processing a coal through a Dense Medium Cyclone (DMC), operating with a correct medium relative density less than 1.4, when the non-magnetics concentration in the correct medium is varied due to plant ....  read more


Effect of g Force on Banana Screen Efficiency

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Author: Michael O’Brien, Andrew Taylor and Clint McNally | CSIRO

Multi-slope (Banana) screen failures have been prevalent in the coal industry since the introduction of this type of screen in the 1980s. Increasing the size of these screens while benefitting the industry in terms of plant capacity and production has resulted in an increasing failure ....  read more


Effect of Particle Crowding at the Vortex Finder and Spigot on Dense Medium Cyclone Operation

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Author: Michael O’Brien, Clint McNally and Bruce Firth | CSIRO

This project addresses the priority of metallurgical efficiency improvements with respect to the operation of the Dense Medium Cyclone (DMC) and in particular the effect of crowding of the vortex finder and spigots on DMC operational efficiency. Coal preparation researchers and experts over ....  read more


Estimation of Steady State and Dynamic Dense Medium Cyclone Performance

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Author: Bo Wang, Kaiwei Chu, Aibing Yu, Andrew Vince | University of NSW, Elsa Consulting Group

As part of a longer term thrust, this project has developed a framework for the development of a fundamentally based mathematical description of dense medium cyclones (DMCs). The dynamics of multiphase flow through dense medium cyclones have been derived from first principles utilising ....  read more


Estimation of Steady State and Dynamic Dense Medium Cyclone Performance

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Author: Andrew Vince, Aibing Yu | Elsa Consulting Group Pty Ltd, University of New South Wales

Please note that the simulator that forms part of this report is no longer available - Should you choose to continue with the purchase of this report we are not in a position to provide the simulation tool referenced and referred to within the report.


 ....  read more


Evaluation of In-Line Pressure Jig

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Author: Andrew Vince, Peter Purdon, Laurie Gibson, Tim Hughes | Elsa Consulting Group, ACIRL, Gekko Systems

The Gekko Systems In-Line Pressure Jig is a mature technology that has been successfully used in the metalliferous industry for over ten years, but has not been systematically tested in the coal industry. It has the potential to efficiently process coal over a very broad range of sizes (30 – ....  read more


Evaluation of Long Bodied Dense Medium Cyclones in an Operating Coal Preparation Plant

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Author: John Ellison, Chris Wood | BHP Steel, JKMRC

This investigation was carried out under an ACARP grant with additional support provided through BHP's sponsorship of AMIRA Coal Preparation project 239A. This allowed JKMRC to provide technical advice and assistance throughout the trial.

 ....  read more


Field Testing of a Zero Offset Dense Medium Separator

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Author: Nathan Childs, Jon Davis, Jeff Graham, Dave Osborne | CRA ATD

Approximately sixty percent of Australian Coal is washed in dense medium cyclones, yet instantaneous module efficiencies always indicate a higher plant yield than that obtained in practice. This difference is extremely significant - experienced coal ....  read more


Field Testing of Short Spiral Separators

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Author: Brent Jiang, Andrea Sutton, Mauri Munro | Rio Tinto Research & Technology Development

The objectives of this project were to:

  • Compare the performance of shortened spirals with conventional spirals.
  • Identify any areas of reduced metallurgical performance in the shortened spirals.
  • Determine whether two stage spirals offer any significant
 ....  read more


Full Plant Fly Ash Magnetite for Dense Medium Separation

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Author: Graeme Baird, David Hornsby | Queensland Cement

This project involved confirming the properties and behaviour of fly ash magnetite (FAM) in full scale plant trials at Oaky Creek and Burton Coal and two pilot plant trials at ACIRL, Maitland. The FAM used in the project was derived from fly ash produced from coal burnt at the Callide ....  read more


g-Force Reduction and Monitoring of Multi-sloped Screens

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Author: Michael O’Brien, Andrew Taylor, Clint McNally and Shane Reinhard | CSIRO

Screen failures are a major issue in the coal preparation industry, and a failure can result in considerable lost product time and damage screen structures such as supports and feed and discharge boxes. The g-force at which these screens operate is typically in the range from 4g to 5g and ....  read more


Gravity Separation and Desliming of Fine Coal

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Author: K Galvin, S Iveson, M Mason, K Walton & J Zhou | University of Newcastle

Experiments were performed to test whether two Reflux Classifier units in series are able to effectively clean a feed containing -2.0mm coal. The first unit, called the "gravity unit", used narrow 6mm wide channels to perform a density separation. The overflow from this unit contained ....  read more


Gravity Separation of Ultrafine Coal using Centrifugal Forces

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Author: Kevin Galvin, Jamie Dickinson | University of Newcastle

A new separator suitable for recovering ultrafine feed, less than 0.2 mm, by gravity separation was investigated. The separator consists of a fluidized bed mounted within a high speed centrifuge, utilizing fluidization water to suspend the particles against the high G forces. Further, the ....  read more


Improved Control of Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Jim Smitham, Ray Keast-Jones | BHP Research and Technology Development

The project aimed to improve the control of dense medium cyclone operations in coal preparation plants through evaluation of the feasibility of on-line measurement of dense medium cyclone efficiency via ....  read more


Industrial Study of a Novel Dense Medium Cyclone at Gregory CHPP

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Author: Richard Rong | JKMRC, University of Qld

Following the development of a novel dense medium cyclone at a pilot scale at the JKMRC, a 1000mm diameter large dense medium cyclone was designed and fabricated. The cyclone, called JKDMC, was tested at the Gregory Coal Handling and Preparation Plant over the period between 28 July and 29 ....  read more


Industrial Trials of Novel Cyclones

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Author: Richard Rong | JKMRC, University of Qld

Industrial trials of two JK cyclones – a 1000mm large JK dense medium cyclone (JKDMC) and a 375mm JK classifying cyclone (JKCC) – were conducted at Dartbrook CHPP and Integra CHPP respectively in the second half of 2006. They were compared with a 1000mm Multotec DMC (M-DMC) ....  read more


Influencing Factors for Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Bruce Firth, Michael O’Brien and Clint McNally | CSIRO

The project objective was to quantify the changes in DMC operational conditions with respect to medium stability and particle crowding .

The project had two main components:

· A pilot scale DMC (150mm) was employed to investigate medium stability and particle crowding in ....  read more


Investigation of Misplaced Material in Large Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Andrew Vince | Elsa Consulting Group

This report considers the reasons for the existence of low density tails that have recently been measured with alarming regularity in the Australian coal preparation plants employing large diameter dense medium cyclones. Two aspects of the issue are addressed: precision of partition ....  read more


Investigation of the Graviton Separator at Pilot Scale

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Author: Simon Iveson, James Carpenter, Anthony Price, and Kevin Galvin | The University of Newcastle

Vast quantities of fine coal, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, are disposed as tailings from many coal preparation plants. Often this coal has not responded well to flotation and may have suffered oxidation. Or, the cost of installing flotation is prohibitive. Gravity separation exploits ....  read more


Joint Evaluation of Monitoring Instruments for Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Bruce Firth, Peter Holtham, Michael O’Brien, Shenggen Hu, Robert Dixon, Adrian Burger and Graham Sheridan | CSIRO, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

The objective of this project was to bring together at a single site the two research groups involved in dense medium cyclone (DMC) instrumentation and software development to demonstrate:

  • A comprehensive DMC monitoring and measurement reporting capability; and
  • The
 ....  read more


Large Diameter Dense Medium Cyclone Performance In Low Density/High Near Gravity Environment

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Author: Glenn Sherritt, Andrew Meyers, Ashleigh Jones & Marnie Rowe | A&B Mylec

This project evaluated the performance of a large diameter (1450mm cyclone diameter) high capacity dense medium cyclone, treating a full size range of -50+1.4wwmm at cut-points in the range 1.42-1.51RD and 17-45% NG (+/-0.1RD). A range of feed solids loading / M:C ratios (3:1 to 6:1), and feed ....  read more


Large Diameter DM Cyclone Operating Data

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Author: Warren Weale | QCC Resources

The use of large diameter (greater than 1 m) dense medium cyclones has become widespread in the Australian coal industry, and in the future is likely to be the dominant processing unit. There is little readily available data on ....  read more


Large Diameter DM Cyclone Operating Data

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Author: Bruce Atkinson, Andrew Swanson | QCC Resources

This report represents a follow-on project from the first stage large diameter dense medium cyclone (LD DMC) project (ACARP C10048).

The use of LD DMCs has become widespread in the Australian coal industry and, in the future, they are likely to be the dominant processing ....  read more


Larger Scale Evaluation Of The Gekko IPJ Coal Separator

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Author: Andrew Vince, Peter Purdon, Laurie Gibson, Tim Hughes | Elsa Consulting, ACIRL, Gekko Systems

This report concerns testing of the Gekko IPJ Coal Separator 1000 unit at a coal preparation plant in the Hunter Valley. The unit was tested with feed in the 6 x 0 mm size range with three different coals and feed solids concentrations varying between 16.0% and 26.3%, volumetric feed rates ....  read more


Linkage of Dynamic Changes in DMC Circuits to Plant Conditions

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Author: Michael O’Brien, Bruce Firth, Peter Holtham and Nerrida Scott | CSIRO

This project was an extension project to ACARP Project C20050 Linkage of Dynamic Changes in DMC Circuits to Plant Conditions. The project also provided necessary data for the ACARP PhD student, Nerrida Scott, for her thesis, Dynamic Analysis of Dense Medium Circuits.


The ....  read more


Long Cylinder Dense Medium Cyclones for High Near-Gravity Separations

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Author: David Hornsby, Chris Wood | ACIRL, Partition Enterprises

This project was conducted by ACIRL. In late 1999, Partition Enterprises was invited to assist with data assessment and preparation of the final report.

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Low Toxicity Liquids for Coal Float / Sink Separations

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Author: Bob van Emden, Brad Smith, Vincent Patrick | Central Chemical Consulting

Low toxicity aqueous solutions were evaluated as potential replacements for white spirit, perchloroethylene, bromoform and tetrabromoethane in laboratory coal float/sink testing. It was confirmed that aqueous caesium formate solutions spanned the required density range for coal float  ....  read more


Mathematical Methods for Estimating Washability Curves

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Author: Stephan Gay | JKMRC

The main purpose of the project was to assess the feasibility of developing a fast and cheap procedure for estimating coal density distribution curves without using float-sink testing. The new envisaged procedure was most suited to plants with primary and secondary density separation,  ....  read more


Maximisation of Yield from Gravity Separators

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Author: Chris Wood | Partition Enterprises

Although coal-washing dense medium cyclones can be extremely efficient, they continue to lose yield due to inadequate attention to simple issues such as spigot size and control of medium density, particularly in plants with parallel separators.

Dense medium cyclones (DMC) circuits in ....  read more


Modelling and Control of Classifying Cyclones

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Author: Andrew Swanson | Ausenco Services

Hydrocyclones are one of the key technologies for the classification of fine coal. However, there have been limited advancements in modelling and simulation of hydrocyclones in the last 20 years. This project was concerned with the potential of using Coal Grain Analysis (CGA) and vibration ....  read more


Modern Coal Spiral In-plant Evaluation & Coal Spirals Handbook

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Author: Darren Mathewson | Quality Process Solutions

This project provides the industry with comprehensive and accurate audit data on the Mineral Technologies LC3, LD7RC and LD7, and Multotec SX4 spirals for semi-soft coking coal (SSCC) and thermal coal applications.

Over sixty cuts that were taken over a >2 hrs for each test with ....  read more


Monitoring and Prediction of Catastrophic Multi-Sloped Screen Failures

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Author: Michael O'Brien, James Mardel, Anita Hill and Cara Doherty | CSIRO

Multislope Screen failure has been an ongoing issue since the introduction of these screens into the coal industry in the 1980s. Failures can be minor resulting in a minimum loss of production however some have been major requiring major repairs not only to the screen itself but to surrounding ....  read more


New Dense Medium Cyclone Design

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Author: Richard Rong | JKMRC

The novel dense medium cyclone (DMC) developed at the JKMRC was scaled up to 200mm in diameter and tested in the JKMRC pilot plant while its geometry was optimised. A 200mm DSM type cyclone was also tested for comparison.

Colour-coded narrow increment density tracers, 8-0.3mm in size, ....  read more


New Dense Medium Cyclonic Separators

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Author: Jon Davis | CRA Advanced Technology Development

Dense medium cyclone plant performance could be improved by ensuring that all particles are separated at an equivalent incremental ash. In practice, this means at an equal separation density.

The yield gain from such practice is estimated to be between 1 ....  read more


On-Line Dynamic Modelling of Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Peter Holtham | University of Queensland, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

This project has shown that it is possible to make useful predictions of dense medium cyclone performance with a dynamic model of the DMC running side-by-side with the real plant. Two different DMC models were evaluated, the Wood coal washing model, and the Dunglison general purpose ....  read more


Optimisation of the New Classification Cyclone Design

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Author: Richard Rong | JKMRC

A feasibility study of a new cyclone design concept for fine coal was completed at the JKMRC pilot plant as ACARP project C7043. This study covered two types of cyclones - dense medium cyclones and classification cyclones. Numerous comparison tests were conducted under similar  ....  read more


Options For Sink / Float Analysis - Economic & Technical Review

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Author: Michael Campbell and Robert England | ALS Coal Technology

Float and sink testing is the standard laboratory method for determining, with respect to relative density, the washability characteristics of a wide range of coal samples, from bore core to mine production and coal preparation plant products.

The medium used to separate particles into ....  read more


Options For the Addition and Control of Non-Magnetic Material in the Correct Medium

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Author: Michael O’Brien | CSIRO

The non-magnetic concentration in the correct medium is important, particularly at correct medium densities below RD 1.4 where the Dense Medium Cyclone (DMC) differential - which is the difference between the density of the underflow medium and the overflow medium - may be too high. This can ....  read more


Options for Washability Analysis of Coal - A Literature Review

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Author: Kevin Galvin | University of Newcastle

The Australian Coal industry needs to find an alternative to the heavy organic liquids used to produce its coal washability analyses. Indeed, the existing Australian Standard for the Float and Sink analysis of coal is likely to be phased out over the next five years, and thus the matter ....  read more


Pilot Scale Testing of Modified Downcomer in Jameson Cell

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Author: Shenggen Hu and Philip Ofori | CSIRO

The plunging flow at the base of the downcomer in Jameson cell generates high shear stress, leading to the detachment of some particles from particle‐bubble aggregates, particularly for coarse and/or less hydrophobic particles. Laboratory tests of a downcomer modified with a cone type ....  read more


Quality Of Dense Medium

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Author: Michael O'Brien, Bruce Firth | CSIRO Energy Technology

The objective of this project was to quantitatively detail the impact the particle characteristics constituting the dense medium in a coal preparation plant have on the properties which are key in defining the performance of a dense medium circuit; that is the viscosity and medium stability. ....  read more


Remote Inspection of Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Gregory Ryan | TUNRA Clean Coal (a division of Newcastle Innovation, The University of Newcastle)

A project was undertaken to develop of a unit capable of remote inspections of Dense Medium Cyclones (DMC's) in coal preparation plants. The prototype unit that was produced consisted of a computer controlled camera and laser inspection head mounted on an aluminium, one way chain capable of ....  read more


RFID Residence Time Modelling

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Author: Michael O’Brien, Nerrida Scott and Chris Wood | CSIRO

The project had two main objectives, the first to provide residence times for density tracers in the different flow streams of the correct medium circuit. From these residence times, the lags associated with the coal and correct medium movements will be determined for use in a dynamic model. ....  read more


Safe Rapid Washability Assessment - The JKPycnometer

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Author: Geoff Lyman, Andrew Jonkers | JKMRC

The objective of this project was to develop a machine to sort +4mm coal particles by density in the laboratory, to replace conventional heavy liquids fractionation (sink float analysis). The benefits were expected to include improved safety through the elimination of heavy liquids, reduced ....  read more


Sensor Development for On-Line Dynamic Simulation of Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Peter Holtham | Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of Qld

The objective of this project was to develop and test instrumentation to monitor dense medium cyclone (DMC) underflow or overflow medium density, as well as feed flow rate, as a check on predictions made by an on-line DMC model.  The project was a continuation of C12001, which ....  read more


Sensor Development for On-Line Dynamic Simulation of Dense Medium Cyclones

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Author: Peter Holtham | Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of Qld

C12001On-Line Simulation of a DMC Circuit
This project has shown that it is possible to make useful predictions of dense medium cyclone performance with a dynamic model of the DMC running side-by-side with the real plant. Two different DMC models were evaluated, the ....  read more


Teetered Bed Separator (TBS) Handbook

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Author: Bob Drummond | Advanced Separation Engineering Australia

Hydraulic classifiers have been in use since 1934, typically employed to sort out and group particles of different specific gravities and different size distributions. Advances in electronic sensing instrumentation and pneumatic and electrical process actuation have seen the development ....  read more


Teetered Bed Separator with Jigging Action

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Author: Kevin Galvin | University of Newcastle

The phenomenon of "bed inversion" was observed for fluidised beds of plastic particles. At low fluidisation rates, small sized but high density particles form a suspended bed below larger but less dense particles of similar settling velocities. At higher fluidisation rates, the order ....  read more


The Affect of Dynamic Changes in Medium Quality in Coal Processing

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Author: Michael O’Brien, Bruce Firth, Clint McNally and Andrew Taylor | CSIRO

Research has shown that the amount of non‐magnetic material in the correct medium solids will have an effect on the operation of a dense medium cyclone (DMC) particularly when operating at correct medium densities less than a relative density (RD) of 1.4. ACARP projects C15053 and C18040 ....  read more


Unreliability of Performance Comparisons for Density Separators

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Author: Chris Wood | Partition Enterprises

Partition curve determinations based on coal sampling and float/sink analyses are subject to a wide range of errors arising from sampling, particle breakage and problems inherent in float/sink analyses. This study focussed on errors which arise from considerations of particle statistics. It ....  read more


Vol 1. Experimental Validation of a Fundamental Model of Coal Spirals Vol 2. Handbook and Reference Source for Plant Metallurgists & Designers

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Author: Peter Holtham | JKMRC

Volume 1

A Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the spiral has been under development by the Centre for Advanced Numerical Computation in Engineering and  ....  read more


Washability Analysis by Water Fluidisation and Jigging

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Author: AM Callen, B Patel, J Zhou, Kevin Galvin | University of Newcastle

Washability data has traditionally been generated for the coal industry using the float-sink method AS4156.1-1994. This technique relies on heavy organic liquids to fractionate coal and mineral particles based on particle density. These organic liquids are considered problematic for ....  read more



Health and safety, productivity and environment initiatives.

Recently Completed Projects

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C29025Effectiveness Of Shotcrete In Underground Coal Mines

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C34019Longwall Bretby Cable Handling Monitoring With Fibre Optics

This project examined the potential of using fibre optic sensing tec...


Open Cut

Safety, productivity and the right to operate are priorities for open cut mine research.

Open Cut

Coal Preparation

Maximising throughput and yield while minimising costs and emissions.

Recently Completed Projects

C33053Improving Centrifugal Dewatering Via Modelling And Analysis

The aim of the project was to develop a model for screen bowl centri...

C33042Coal Quality Borecore Methods Amalgamation Guide

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C34050Hand Held Sensor For Real Time Measurement Of Fluorine Mineral Contamination In Coal

The project's objective was to create a new type of hand-held se...

Coal Preparation

Technical Market Support

Market acceptance and emphasising the advantages of Australian coals.

Recently Completed Projects

C34059Coke Reactivity With CO2 And H2O And Impacts On Coke Microstructure And Gas Diffusion

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C33066Washability And Distribution Of Sulfur And Trace Elements For Different Size And Density Fractions Of Raw Coals

Based on the hypothesis that the levels of sulfur and other toxic tr...

C34060In-Situ Investigation Of Coke Structure Formation Under Stamp Charged Coking Conditions

Stamp charged cokemaking has emerged as an effective technique to im...

Technical Market Support

Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the production of coal.

Recently Completed Projects

C34066Safe Operation Of Catalytic Reactors For The Oxidation Of VAM Operating Under Abnormal Reaction Conditions

The catalyst Pd/TS-1 has shown excellent activity in oxidising venti...

C28076Selective Absorption Of Methane By Ionic Liquids (SAMIL)

This third and final stage of this project was the culmination of a ...

C29069Low-Cost Catalyst Materials For Effective VAM Catalytic Oxidation

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Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Low Emission Coal Use

Step-change technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Recently Completed Projects

C17060BGasification Of Australian Coals

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C17060AOxyfuel Technology For Carbon Capture And Storage Critical Clean Coal Technology - Interim Support

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C18007Review Of Underground Coal Gasification

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Low Emission Coal Use

Mining And The Community

The relationship between mines and the local community.

Recently Completed Projects

C16027Assessing Housing And Labour Market Impacts Of Mining Developments In Bowen Basin Communities

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C22029Understanding And Managing Cumulative Impacts Of Coal Mining And Other Land Uses In Regions With Diversified Economies

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C23016Approval And Planning Assessment Of Black Coal Mines In NSW And Qld: A Review Of Economic Assessment Techniques

This reports on issues surrounding economic assessment and analysis ...

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National Energy Research,Development & Demonstration Council (NERDDC) reports - pre 1992.

Recently Completed Projects

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