Open Cut                                          reports

Open Cut

Safety, productivity and the right to operate are priorities for open cut mine research. We have supported work on an automated swing loading system for electric shovels, the science of rehabilitation and minimising mining impacts on neighbouring communities.

Geology (21 Reports)

Characterisation of Overburden Rock Mass and Top Coal Delineation Using Triaxial Drill Bit VSP Method

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Author: Shivakumar Karekal, Nobukazu Soma and Toshiyuki Tosha | CSIRO, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

Coal loss and coal dilution is a serious problem in open pit coal mines. Poor structural characterisation of rock mass can lead to poor fragmentation which could hamper the productivity of draglines often used in cast blasting to remove the overburden. Coal loss and dilution can amount to ....  read more


Coal Spectral Libraries for Scanning Devices

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Author: Sandra Rodrigues, Lionel Fonteneau, Joan Esterle & Brigette Martini | University of Queensland

The objective of this project was to create a public spectral library for coal samples, which did not previously exist. To achieve this, coal samples were scanned using commercially available hyperspectral systems in the Visible Near InfraRed (VNIR) from 450 nm to 1000 nm wavelength, ....  read more


Elements in coal – a start-to-end analysis

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Author: Jane Hodgkinson, Phil Ofori, Clint McNally | CSIRO

This project explores the fate and concentration potential of critical elements present in coal measures, as they are moved through a processing plant, from start-to-end.

The project was very kindly supported by two mines:  

  • Mine A provided 16 core samples and ten
 ....  read more


Feasibility Study to Use Machine Learning for Rockfall Analysis: Stage 1

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Author: Anna Giacomini, Klaus Thoeni, Philipp Hartmann, Indishe Senanayake and Jinsong Huang | The University of Newcastle

Rockfalls pose significant risks to human lives, machinery and portal structures located at the toe of highwalls in open cut mines, with the potential for considerable financial losses. An efficient mitigation can be provided when the energy at first impact at the bottom of the affected ....  read more


Geological Controls on Fluorine and Phosphorus in Bowen Basin Coals

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Author: Brooke Davis, Sandra Rodrigues, Alex Duxbury, Renate Sliwa, Joan Esterle | University of Queensland

Increasing global restrictions on fluorine in product coal prompted this project, using data and samples from the Late Permian Bowen Basin coal measures as case studies. In 2015, few mines had tested for fluorine and modelling of its distribution for coal quality control through selective ....  read more


Improving the Reliability of Density and Grade Estimation from Borehole Geophysical Log Suites

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Author: Binzhong Zhou, Joan Esterle | CSIRO Exploration & Mining

Project Objectives

Coal density plays an important role in projecting and reconciling coal tonnage and quality variation. The best estimation of coal density is from direct measurement on core, but cored holes are sparse relative to chip holes due to the ....  read more


Mapping of Elemental Coal Content for Exploration and Mining

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Author: Jane Hodgkinson and Micaela Grigorescu | CSIRO

This project has analysed the concentrations of 50 elements not typically measured in coal in nearly 90 Australian coal samples from Queensland and New South Wales. The project provides the first dataset and map of its kind for Australian coal.

Internationally, alternative coal use is ....  read more


Non-destructive Characterization of Borehole Coal Samples Using X CT Technology

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Author: Chris Plackowski, Anh Nguyen, Chen-Luh Lin and Jan Miller | University of Queensland, University of Utah

Exploration and development of a new coal mine and mine plan strategy depend on the characterization of borehole coal samples. Their washability characterization is one of the important, well-defined steps to be followed and has been achieved by conducting Float and Sink (FaS) testing as ....  read more


Quantitative Elemental Analysis of Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Coal and Host Rocks by Logging

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Author: Stephen Fraser, Craig Smith | CSIRO Exploration & Mining

Knowledge of the distribution of major, minor and trace elements in coals and interburden materials is increasingly important. Technological developments now suggest that such elemental distributions may be determined using a downhole logging tool. This study was undertaken to achieve two ....  read more


Rangal Supermodel 2015: The Rangal-Baralaba-Bandanna Coal Measures in the Bowen and Galilee Basins

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Author: Renate Sliwa, Joan Esterle, Laura Phillips & Steven Wilson | The University of Queensland

This project compiled over 7000 company boreholes supplemented by more than 1000 open file petroleum (mostly CSG) wells to develop a regionally consistent stratigraphy for the Rangal-Baralaba-Bandanna Coal Measures in the Bowen Basin and the Galilee Basin.


The results are ....  read more


Raw Ash to Yield Relationships

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Author: Chris McMahon | McMahon Coal Quality Resources

Correct outcomes in yield predictions for product ash from coal borecore exploration can be critical to resource predictive potential, market evaluation and economic mining outcomes.

An observation has been made over many projects that product yield can be estimated from borecores from ....  read more


Statistical Analysis of Methods for selecting Lithological Boundaries from Density and Natural Gamma logs and assessing their ability to select Lithology Boundaries in Blast Holes

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Author: Brett Larkin | GeoCheck

Before analysing geophysical data, it is essential to smooth the raw data. However, insufficient smoothing makes interpretation extremely difficult if not impossible due to noise obscuring meaningful data, and too much smoothing causes the loss of significant geological information. To ....  read more


Structure Supermodel 2017 - Fault Characterisation in Permian to Jurassic Coal Measures

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Author: Renate Sliwa, Abbas Babaahmadi & Joan Esterle | The University of Queensland

This report provides a detailed characterisation of deformation overprinting the Permian to Jurassic coal measures of Queensland. It addresses the ACARP objective to improve understanding of key aspects of Australia's coal basins and how they impact on mining conditions, by providing a ....  read more


Tertiary Volcanic Fields of Eastern Australia: Regional Characteristics and Implications for Coal Quality and Mining

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Author: Charles Verdel and Isabelle Jones | University of Queensland

ACARP project C22023 focused on the influence of Cenozoic basalts on coals of the Bowen Basin and nearby basins in eastern Australia. The project included a compilation of drillhole data, which illustrate regional-scale variations in the thickness of basalts. These thicknesses tend to be ....  read more


The Application of the Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) Seismic Method for Shallow Open Cut Coal Exploration

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Author: Koya Suto | Terra Australis Geophysica Pty Ltd

The Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is a recently developed seismic method to estimate S-wave velocity structure under the ground. It analyses the seismic waves in the frequency domain for the dispersion property of surface waves and estimates the distribution of the S-wave ....  read more


Tool for Rapid and Consistent Capture of Drill Core Observations

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Author: Renate Silwa, Peter Dean, George Poropat | CSIRO Exploration & Mining

Central to all geological characterization, including the interpretation of vast amounts of geophysical data are geological observations made on drill core and chips. Two factors that impede the quality and reliability of these observations are inconsistencies of visual observations ....  read more


Top of Coal Detection in a Rotary Air Blast Drill Rig

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Author: Enver Bajram, Long Giang, Joel Kok and Daniel Hudson | Mining3

Accurately detecting the approaching top of a coal seam prior to blasting is fundamental to efficient coal recovery.  Previous investigations by member mining companies reported a 66% reduction in coal dilution through disciplined and detailed overburden drilling and blasting practices. ....  read more


Towards 3D, Integrated P+PS Seismic Imaging of Coal Targets

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Author: Shaun Strong, Steve Hearn | Velseis

Compressional-wave (P-wave) seismic reflection is a valuable tool used throughout the coal industry, for exploration (mainly 2D reflection) and mine planning (3D). Shear-wave (S-wave) reflection presents interesting theoretical potential, but is more difficult to implement. Previous ACARP ....  read more


Utilising Hyperspectral Imagery Scanning for Geotechnical Characterisation

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Author: Katerina Savinova, Karina Barbosa, Sandra Rodrigues, Joan Esterle, Nick Cook | The University of Queensland

The project was undertaken to contribute to and improve the analysis and interpretation of data obtained from hyperspectral imagery for characterisation of the overburden material in open cut coal projects. In future geotechnical index parameters might be calculated with these in mind, along ....  read more


Validation of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a Rapidly Deployable Field Technology to Estimate Coal Quality

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Author: Joe Perkins & Chad Hargrave | CSIRO

Rapid evaluation of a coal resource by in-situ characterisation downhole can dramatically enhance understanding of the resource, providing new knowledge regarding coal quality - particularly grade - to inform the mining process and improve yield.

LIBS is swiftly becoming an ....  read more


XCT Prediction of Breakage and Washability of Borehole Cores

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Author: Tuan Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Chen-Luh Lin and Jan Miller | University of Queensland, University of Utah

The most critical parameters for the efficient design and planning of coal mining and processing operations depend on the accurate prediction of coal breakage and washability characteristics of the coal resources. The aim is to establish the most “effective” liberation of the coal ....  read more



Health and safety, productivity and environment initiatives.

Recently Completed Projects

C33029Review Longwall Face Ventilation To Mitigate Goaf Gas Emissions Onto Walkways And Tailgate End

As longwall mining increasingly targets deeper coal seams, managing ...

C29009Control Of Transient Touch Voltages During Switching

There have been an increasing number of electric shock incidents rep...

C29025Effectiveness Of Shotcrete In Underground Coal Mines

The primary objective of this project is to quantify the effectivene...


Open Cut

Safety, productivity and the right to operate are priorities for open cut mine research.

Recently Completed Projects

C33036Radar Tyre Monitor System

This project focussed on trialling a radar sensing technology design...

C26020Preventing Fatigue Cracking Via Proactive Surface Dressing

Fatigue cracking of plant and equipment presents a significant chall...

C33046Rationale For The Use Of Paired Continuous Real Time Noise Monitors To Reduce Uncertainty In The Quantification Of Noise From Open Cut Coal Mines

Numerous experimental studies of varying duration have been undertak...

Open Cut

Coal Preparation

Maximising throughput and yield while minimising costs and emissions.

Recently Completed Projects

C34041A Coal Spiral For The 2020S

The objective of this project is to develop an enhanced coal process...

C33057Foreign Contaminants Detection On Conveyor Belts Using Digital Imaging Processing Techniques And Coal Penetrating Sensors

This project was initiated to tackle the ongoing issue of foreign co...

C29065Wash Plant Fines Testing Methods Enhancement

Accurately estimating the proportion of expected fine size material ...

Coal Preparation

Technical Market Support

Market acceptance and emphasising the advantages of Australian coals.

Recently Completed Projects

C35037Examination Of Contraction Pre And Post Resolidification Using A High Temperature Dilatation Rig

This project examined the contraction of coking coal samples, both p...

C35045Impacts Of Chemical Structure Transformation In The Plastic Layer On The Microtexture Development During Coking

In this project anisotropy quotient (AQ) color-coded reflectance map...

C34054Scoping Study: Design Of Cokes From Biomass-Coal Blends For Sustainable Blast Furnace Ironmaking

There is an increasing focus on improving the environmental sustaina...

Technical Market Support

Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the production of coal.

Recently Completed Projects

C34066Safe Operation Of Catalytic Reactors For The Oxidation Of VAM Operating Under Abnormal Reaction Conditions

The catalyst Pd/TS-1 has shown excellent activity in oxidising venti...

C28076Selective Absorption Of Methane By Ionic Liquids (SAMIL)

This third and final stage of this project was the culmination of a ...

C29069Low-Cost Catalyst Materials For Effective VAM Catalytic Oxidation

Application of ventilation air methane (VAM) thermal oxidiser requir...

Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Low Emission Coal Use

Step-change technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Recently Completed Projects

C17060BGasification Of Australian Coals

Four Australian coals were trialled in the Siemens 5 MWth pilot scale ga...

C17060AOxyfuel Technology For Carbon Capture And Storage Critical Clean Coal Technology - Interim Support

The status of oxy-fuel technology for first-generation plant is indicate...

C18007Review Of Underground Coal Gasification

This report consists of a broad review of underground coal gasification,...

Low Emission Coal Use

Mining And The Community

The relationship between mines and the local community.

Recently Completed Projects

C16027Assessing Housing And Labour Market Impacts Of Mining Developments In Bowen Basin Communities

The focus of this ACARP-funded project has been to identify a number...

C22029Understanding And Managing Cumulative Impacts Of Coal Mining And Other Land Uses In Regions With Diversified Economies

The coal industry operates in the context of competing land-uses that sh...

C23016Approval And Planning Assessment Of Black Coal Mines In NSW And Qld: A Review Of Economic Assessment Techniques

This reports on issues surrounding economic assessment and analysis ...

Mining And The Community


National Energy Research,Development & Demonstration Council (NERDDC) reports - pre 1992.

Recently Completed Projects

1609-C1609Self Heating of Spoil Piles from Open Cut Coal Mines

Self Heating of Spoil Piles from Open Cut Coal Mines

1301-C1301Stress Control Methods for Optimised Development...

Stress Control Methods for Optimised Development and Extraction Operations

0033-C1356Commissioned Report: Australian Thermal Coals...

Commissioned Report: Australian Thermal Coals - An Industry Handbook