Open Cut » Overburden Removal
This project was conducted to enhance and further develop the 3d-Dig Version 1 Dragline Simulator. The Version 1 Simulator is a DOS-based system allowing dragline operations to be simulated and visualised. This system has proved to be a very effective tool for analysing and improving dragline operations.
This project aimed to enhance the 3d-Dig Version 1 software by developing the following:
- Enhanced user interface
- Enhanced dragline model
- Improved graphics
- Automated modeling of steady state dragline digging.
The first three objectives have been fully met and the automation functionality is currently under development.
This report, together with the associated CDROM, outlines the project. Under this project 3d-Dig DOS Version 1 has been completely rewritten using object-oriented programming techniques. This major undertaking had a two-fold aim:
- To make 3d-Dig easier and quicker to use, and
- To make 3d-Dig more powerful and able to be further developed.
This report presents a summary of the key aspects of the project and does not attempt to fully specify or describe the full suite of functionality contained in the new system.