Coal Preparation » General
Sampling and testing of borecores for coal quality outcomes has a long and complex history of reference documents for users to utilise. These reference documents generally come in the form of Standards (Australian and International), research papers and conference proceedings. Many references have been produced for determination of the different coal quality sampling and testing areas, producing multiple reference volumes with multiple options, paths and requirements for accurate definition of coal resource and reserves.
Utilisation of the multiple reference volumes in application to their particular deposit was difficult, time consuming and at times ambiguous. The conversion of Australian coal testing Standards of preparation and measurement to the ISO (International Standards Organisation) system has added a significant further layer of complexity and confusion to the requirements, not the least of which is the preliminary definition of which AS (Australian Standards) relate to which ISO Standards, and which are current for use. A table comparing both is supplied in as an appendix to these project outcomes.
The purpose of guide is to provide a guide to utilisation of information on state-of-the-art practices, references, and applicable current Standards in sampling and coal quality in relation to current drilling, sampling and testing practices. The outcomes of this project has produced a guide that can be applied to multiple coal quality testing scenarios for borecores.
Different method options for raw coal mines, mines with wash plants and for coking and thermal coal has been made.
Definitions of ply, raw, wash and product stages has also been linked between the relevant references where overlapping information is required.
This is of benefit to the industry in providing practitioners with a concise, referenced method for determining methods of sampling and testing, resulting in reduced time spent in planning, increased accuracy in planning, better definition of resource and reserve potential, and minimised financial risk.
Also completed was documenting of ISO/AS Standards equivalence.