Coal Preparation » Fine Coal
The inclusion of the Sub-Optimal Operation (SubO) / Health Issue (HI) is the starting point in 'The Intelligent Plant' Diagnostic System and to enter this diagnostic system from a health issue (Hid), a sub-optimal event, the linkage maps needed to be changed. The focus of this project was to modify the existing 'Intelligent Plant Diagnostic' System to allow access not only from a Symptom/Measurement entity but also via a Sub-Optimal Operation (Health Issue) entity. Since the current System is now ten years old (project C24039), the Excel worksheet was updated for new information.
The use of the diagnostic system using the new Sub-Optimal/Health Issue map as an entry point has been demonstrated with two case studies at two different washabilities showing the cost benefit of using the system via generic plant models and the Limn flowsheet balancing system.