Technical Market Support » Metallurgical Coal
This project was aimed at exploring critical factors of the Roga and Caking Index, investigate the appropriateness of the precision parameters outlined in the two standard methods, confirm that a relationship between Roga and Caking Index exists for a range of Australian coking coals and use this relationship to convert Roga and Caking Index results.
This project has confirmed that a correlation between the Roga and Caking Index does exist for Australian coking coals. Therefore, the equation developed in this project can be used to convert a Roga Index to a Caking Index for the purpose of comparing historical databases with current results. It is hoped that this will encourage Australian coal producers to take up the Caking Index as a widely used coal quality parameter, as it is a critical parameter when marketing coal to China. In addition, this project aims to increase the understanding of the role critical test parameters have on the results as well as, the effect that coal petrology and rheology on caking power.