Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation » Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Australian coal mining industry, it has been identified that there is a fundamental need for review and development of novel strategies for gas and ventilation management in coal mines. Gas management has also been ranked as the number one critical parameter to be addressed to achieve high production rates from longwall faces and is arguably the most significant single factor that will constrain mining tonnage from underground coal mines in Australia, particularly with the unavoidable increase in depth of future workings.
To address this critical issue, ACARP has formulated a research program with the main objective of reducing coal mining fugitive emissions through step-change advancements in gas and ventilation management technologies and strategies in Australia. This project, as a first step towards achieving the objectives of the research program, has conducted a critical review of gas reservoir characteristics and gas emissions from underground coal mines in Australia; reviewed and analysed the current gas drainage technologies used in Australia; reviewed and evaluated the potential benefits of overseas methods that are not used in Australia; and identified technologies and practices that might have potential to achieve significant improvements in gas management with reduced greenhouse gas emissions under Australian conditions.