Coal Preparation » General
Banana screens have been shown in a previous ACARP project to have a stroke, as measured with a portable screen motion analyser , which is proportional to the mass feed rate to the screen. This report presents the results of pilot plant and coal preparation plant experiments using the portable screen motion analyser and fixed accelerometers to measure the stroke and secondary motion as the mass rate to the banana screen is varied. Secondary motion, (the variation in stroke with time which when plotted as one second stroke values produces a sinusoidal curve whose frequency varies with the mass rate to the screen) was also found to vary proportionally to the mass rate of the feed providing a second method from which the mass rate could be calculated. The portable screen motion analyser with collections times of less then 10 seconds was found to be accurate on plant screens to within ± 42 tph, however with longer collection times (120 sec) the analyser was found to be accurate to within ± 20 tph.
An e-newsletter has also been published for this project, highlighting its significance for the industry.