Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation » Mine Site Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Coal is coming under increasing pressure from competing fuels, mainly on environmental grounds, and is not necessarily the fuel of first choice for many nations. Consequently, the sustainable use of coal is a major global issue for coal producers and users alike, and is the subject of a range of initiatives. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the production of coal, while a minor component in a global sense, are unique in that they are the sole responsibility of coal producers. Fugitive emissions of coal mine methane have been identified as one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions from coal production. These emissions should be regarded as a potentially valuable resource, not merely as a waste stream.
This scoping study examines the technology options for utilising coal mine methane, and was commissioned to assist in setting priorities for future ACARP funding in this area.
The report provides a tabular summary of technologies, indicating:
- The range of methane concentrations which each can handle
- Technical performance, including methane conversion, net energy output, fuel quality requirements etc
- Indicative economics
- Status of development, eg commercially available, advanced demonstration stage, further R&D required